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Numista is an online participative catalogue of world coins, which enable you to manage your own collection and swap with numismatists from all Add your coins to your Numista collection - A quick tutorial A tutorial to help you add your coins to Numista and assign them to your different collections Numista connects you with collectors from the world over. Numista knows what coins or banknotes you are looking for and helps you find them in the swap list of the other members. Your swaps are made easy, fast and friendly. 1948年中国人民银行开始发行统一的货币人民币。 在汉语里元的字面意思为"圆的物体"或者"圆的硬币"。 阿根廷比索原来被称为阿根廷新比索或者可兑换比索。 它的标志是$。 货币简介. 纸币比索纸币有面额为1比索(取消,由1比索硬币取代)、2比索、5比索、10比索、20比索、50比索和100比索。 阿根廷比索纸币 面值 肖像 主要颜色。 $ 1卡洛斯・佩莱格里尼。

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